Why “Vacilando”?

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Before I embarked on what was supposed to be a year long Airstream adventure (it's currently four years and change) in February of 2013, I read Travels With Charley: In Search of America by John Steinbeck. He recounts a 1960 cross-country road trip in a custom built truck camper with his poodle, Charley, and describes the landscape, the people and the country he experiences.

There's a short paragraph in the book about this work that Steinbeck comes across during his travels, a Spanish word that has no direct English translation: vacilando.

His description of this wanderer, this sentiment that the journey is greater than the destination stuck with me and became a kind of guiding permission in my life. So what it came time to name my business at the end of 2014, Vacilando was really the only word that fit.

Laura Preston

Designer + maker living, working and traveling in an Airstream trailer since 2013


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